Ted Gregson

ted gregson


Adult Bible Fellowship Leader

Ted Gregson leads ORBC’s Adult Bible Fellowship (ABF). God brought Ted and his family to ORBC for a special purpose during a unique period in their life. He leads with a strong desire to see existing members grow and mature in the Lord and to seek out those who need to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He approaches life through the words of the apostle Paul, “Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong.” 1 Corinthians 16:13

ABF is a ministry to mobilize, assimilate and teach believers to help ORBC fulfill the Great Commission and make disciples of Christ. This is accomplished through a weekly Bible study designed to equip believers and assimilate life changes toward maturity in Christ. Groups of similar ages, interest, and/or family situations meet for interactive Bible study, fellowship, organizing for care, being involved in ministry and growing through accountability.

Ted is blessed with 4 beautiful children (and their spouses) and 11 grandchildren. His favorite Bible verse is Proverbs 3:5 “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding;” He has a strong motivation to see family and friends serving the Lord.

Ted has a Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering.

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