Vengeance is…?
August 13, 2017 | Bible Text: I Kings 21:17-23
Dr. Galen K. Cooper

Sold Out: Do Not Be Overcome by Evil
August 6, 2017 | Bible Text: I Kings 21:1-16
Dr. Galen K. Cooper

Sold Out Even When I am Discouraged (part 2)
July 23, 2017 | Bible Text: I Kings 19
Dr. Galen K. Cooper

Sold Out Even When I Am Discouraged (part 1)
July 16, 2017 | Bible Text: I Kings 19:1-8
Dr. Galen K. Cooper

I Can Be Sold Out Because God Keeps His Promises
July 9, 2017 | Bible Text: I Kings 18:41-46
Dr. Galen K. Cooper

Sold Out for My Country
July 2, 2017 | Bible Text:
Col. Thomas "Jerry" Curtis

Sold Out Christianity Will Offend Others
June 25, 2017 | Bible Text: I Kings 18:1-19
Dr. Galen K. Cooper

Sold Out Fatherhood
June 18, 2017 | Bible Text: Genesis 5:22-27
Dr. Galen K. Cooper

Sold Out in the Midst of Tragedy
June 11, 2017 | Bible Text: I Kings 17:17-24
Dr. Galen K. Cooper

Do You Want to Go Away as Well?
June 4, 2017 | Bible Text: John 6
Jake Rhoton