ORBC Family,
On Thursday, Lania and I traveled to Waco to watch Carson and his Oak Ridge High School teammates compete in a golf tournament. That afternoon we received word of Judge Keough‘s disaster declaration regarding COVID–19. Soon after, CISD administration contacted our coach and the team was sent home immediately. I share this to say, on various levels we are all being impacted directly or indirectly by this evolving situation, this includes our “Weekly Family Reunion”.
While the declaration does not mandate a church suspend its weekly services, it does state gatherings larger than 250 “held in private facilities is urged to cancel”. Thus, I contacted leaders within our church, our association and state convention. And while it pains me to do so, I feel it best if we re-route this Sunday’s “Weekly Family Reunion” and this Wednesday’s Pastor’s Corner, LIVE! to the ORBC Facebook page and worship together via Facebook live streaming. We will be live Sunday morning at 9:30am and Wednesday at 6:15pm. Subsequently, all corporate gatherings meeting on Sunday and Wednesday are being suspended for this week as well. This situation will be monitored closely by the staff and we will make a weekly determination as to what the next week’s schedule will be. This will be posted on social media and sent out via a church-wide email each Thursday at 3pm sharing that information.
I understand a decision like this will be met with mixed emotions. Please rest assured our staff and leadership have prayerfully considered this decision attempting to do what is best for our church family, community and in line with God’s direction. Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of our “Weekly Family Reunion” Facebook style. I love what one of our family members stated when approached about the possibility of this taking place … “Many of us will be a little pent up with our families. Sitting down as a family to watch Facebook live instead of attending church would be a very memorable event” and I agree! When was the last time you went to church in your P.J.’s or worshiped while enjoying a bowl of fruit loops! But I have to tell you, it will be weird preaching to an empty worship center. So be sure and check-in, share an “Amen!” every now and then and let other family members see they are not the only ones worshipping online.
Be sure to stick around until the end, as an EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT will be shared. Here is a hint: it has to do with Tax Day and ORBC Students! See you … or at least you will see me on Sunday!
In His Service,
Pastor Dr. Galen K. Cooper