Over the last year, Oak Ridge Baptist Church has strived to grow disciples to be like Jesus in every way possible. One of the ways we do that is by writing about topics that apply to our everyday lives so that we may pass wisdom onto our congregation. This year, three of our blogs held a special place in our hearts, so we wanted to shed a light on those subjects as we enter into a new year.
As the new year approaches, we’re excited to continue down the path God has set out for us. Let's look at how far we have come! #oakridgebaptistchurch Share on XWhat are Christian Boundaries in Relationships?
One of our favorite topics to cover this year is establishing boundaries in any relationship. That includes friendships, courting relationships, relationships with parents, and marriages. We thought it was important to talk about setting boundaries from a biblical perspective because that is something we all need to work on. It is our goal that all of us can feel more comfortable setting boundaries in a godly way.
Anxiety and Faith: Not At Odds
Another very important topic is dealing with anxiety and faith in our everyday lives. Faith is a huge part of our lives as Christians, and on the surface, those of us that struggle with anxiety feel like it’s hard to have faith. We wanted to offer some words of encouragement that faith and anxiety are not at odds with each other. We hope that we can all find comfort in knowing God loves us no matter our worldly shortcomings.
How to Handle Grief Biblically
Finally, we wanted to talk about handling grief Biblically. This is a part of life we all have to go through at one point in time. It was important to us that we bring up the topic so that those of us that are going through a season of grief right now would know they are not alone.
Merry Christmas!
This Christmas season we want to remember Jesus’ birth, and the sacrifices he made to welcome us into the Kingdom of Heaven. Oak Ridge Baptist Church looks forward to the upcoming year where we can continue to do God’s good work and share the gospel of Jesus!
What are your holiday plans? Let us know on Facebook and God bless!