Tech Savvy Parenting Conference by Brian Housman

by | Mar 9, 2017 | Family

Are you a parent struggling to navigate your child’s digital life? In this digital age, technology is literally at your child’s fingertips – and from a very early age! Or maybe you are an educator, church leader or mentor seeking out new ways to connect with students while setting boundaries when it comes to social media. No matter your role, the Tech Savvy Parenting by Brian Housman has the tools to help!

Join us at Oak Ridge Baptist Church in Spring Texas to learn how to better lead your family in navigating technology use in and out of your home. This conference will give you the practical tools and resources you need to help your whole family use cell phones, video games, social media, and the Internet wisely and responsibly. Bring this ad for FREE admission to the conference.

Tech Savvy Parenting Conference Schedule

The Tech Savvy Parenting Conference is broken down by target audience to bring focus to the information you will find most useful.

Friday, March 24th

Target Audience:  School Teachers and ABF/SS Teachers

7:00-9:00 pm Session 1:  A mixture of Teaching in a Tech Obsessed Culture  and  Professional Boundaries with Social Media

Saturday, March 25

Target Audience:  All Adults

8:00-8:30 am Continental Breakfast

8:30-10:30 Session 2Culture Shock

10:30-11:00 Break with snacks

11:00-1:00 pm Session 3: Tech Savvy Parenting

Saturday Evening…

Target Audience:  7th grade through College

5:00 pm Dinner for students

6:00-8:00 pm Session 4My Wired Life

Sunday, March 26

Target Audience:  Everyone

9:30 AM 1st Service:  Leaving a Spiritual Legacy

11:00 AM 2nd Service:  Leaving a Spiritual Legacy

Learn More

At Oak Ridge Baptist Church, we enjoy connecting as a family at our church and in the community. Contact Us to learn more about the Tech Savvy Parenting Conference or any other upcoming ORBC events.

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