Building a godly marriage with your husband or wife can be difficult under the best circumstances. If you are considering marriage, you surely have gotten a lot of advice from various sources. While you may receive many pieces of advice, some tips are more helpful than others. What are some of the best pieces of biblical advice for marriage?
What is the best biblical advice for marriage?
If we were to sum up all of the advice in this blog post into one sentence, we would say to show your spouse the unconditional love that God has shown for you, even when it is difficult. Let’s talk a little deeper about what you can do to show that love.
What are some pieces of Biblical advice for marriage? Let’s go over the best advice we can give for a Godly marriage. Click To Tweet- Offer Each Other Unconditional Grace
- Uphold Your Wedding Vows
- Get Rid of the “Me vs. You” Mentality
- Be Patient With Your Spouse (Ephesians 4:2)
- Love Them How God Loves You
1) Offer Each Other Unconditional Grace
One of the biggest pieces of advice we can give newly married couples is to offer each other unconditional grace. Just as you are not always at your best, your husband or wife will also not always be at their best.
When they aren’t at their best, it is especially important that you offer them grace as you both move through life. When they fall short, treat them with kindness and gentleness. Ephesians 4:32 says, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”
2) Uphold Your Wedding Vows
Marriage is a covenant, which is why you make vows during the ceremony. Those vows are meant to bind you together in the eyes of God and your loved ones.
One of the vows you make to your new husband or wife is to be faithful to one another throughout your whole life. You are meant to trust each other your entire lives. Mark 10:9 puts it like this, “Therefore what God has joined together, let no man separate.” So our piece of advice is this: do not make wedding vows you cannot uphold. If you are entering into a marriage, be sure you are ready for what you are vowing.
3) Get Rid of the “Me vs. You” Mentality
Many of us can easily fall into an adversarial relationship with our spouses. We start to think of them as an obstacle to our goals instead of our teammate. We call this a “Me vs.You” mentality. That isn’t how God designed marriage to be.
We should be considering our spouse’s gain as your gain because, at the end of the day, you and your spouse are a team. Genesis 2:24 says, “For this reason, a man shall leave his father and mother, and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one.” We are meant to be one flesh, one life, one team.
4) Be Patient With Your Spouse
Another important thing to remember when entering into a marriage is to be patient with your spouse. Ephesians 4:2 says, “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.” Patience is essential not only in a marriage but also in life.
Not only is patience an attribute we are called to hone, but it is also the best way to treat your husband or wife. Patience helps maintain relationships and fosters love.
5) Love Them How God Loves You
Finally, our God calls us to love one another just as he has loved us. This is essential for a healthy, Godly marriage. When we think about how God loves us, we know that God’s love is unconditional. He never gives up on us, and He accepts us where we are while simultaneously helping us better ourselves. This is exactly how we should be treating our spouses. Loving them unconditionally, accepting who they are, while encouraging them to grow.
Bonus Tip: Don’t Forget To Have Fun
Finally, while marriage is hard work, it is also supposed to be fun. Your spouse should be your best friend, and you should enjoy spending time with them. We encourage you to go have fun together. Go on dates together. Spend some quality time with your spouse, and enjoy each other’s company.
ORBC Family Is Here For You
Building a Godly marriage is difficult but rewarding. While there is a lot of advice for marriage out there, these pieces are the best advice we at ORBC can give you.
Contact us for more advice and counseling on marriage!