What does it mean to have faith in God? Faith is something that is written all over the Bible, but how do we apply it to our modern-day world? There are a lot of scriptures that will help better explain what faith means for Christians, so be sure to explore more of those scriptures to help bring encouragement to your life.
Faith in God can mean a lot of things. It means being able to trust that God has your life in good hands, finding strength in God, and knowing that we have stability in Him. The following post will dive deeper into these products of faith that every Christian can experience.
What does it mean to have faith in the Lord, and how does trusting God help us in our everyday lives? Find out in our following blog post. #ORBC Share on XFaith Allows People to Trust God
The most encompassing thing that faith does for Christians allows us to put our trust in the Lord. When we trust in HIm, it allows us to have a deeper and more personal relationship with God. Proverbs 3: 5-6 (NASB) says to trust in him and not our own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.
When we trust in Him, we can know for certain that He is leading our lives in the ways He wants us to go. We know we can trust Him because He has shown us that He is good. Proverbs 33:4 (NASB) says, “For the word of the Lord is right, And all His work is done in faithfulness.”
In other translations, the word “faithfulness” is translated as “truth.” By that translation, the scripture says that God’s word is right, and His work is done in the truth. This means we can better trust Him.
Faith in God Brings Stability – Isaiah 26:4
Having this trust allows us to have stability in our lives. It is much easier to not worry about what is going to happen when we know an all-knowing and all-powerful God is watching over our lives. With Him on our side, the good news is that we have a firm foundation to stand on. Isaiah 26:4 says, “Trust in the Lord forever, For in God the Lord we have an everlasting Rock.”
Faith Gives Us Strength – Joshua 1:9
Faith gives us strength through God. Knowing that He is on your side brings a lot of comfort and peace of mind. Life is much easier when we know He is on our side.
Joshua 1:9 says, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not be terrified or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” This was originally written to the Israelites, but it is still applicable today to all of God’s people.
Put Your Faith in Jesus Christ
Putting your faith in Jesus Christ will bring you closer to Him by allowing you to trust His plans for your life, give you strength of mind, and bring stability to your life. Trust God will take time and maybe harder for some than others, but faith will give you peace in your life.
Contact us for more information on putting your faith in God.