How To Seek First The Kingdom of God

by | Jul 6, 2018 | Faith

Think about the things that drive most people today. Money, status, fame, and success are the most common motivators in our society. This means that even the best Christian will probably have moments of weakness in which they start prioritizing self-fulfillment over a relationship with God. As a Christian, it can be challenging to put God first while living in a culture obsessed with itself. Click To Tweet

Striving for The Kingdom of God

Matthew 6:33 reads: “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” In essence, if you seek the presence of God in thought, word, and deed, the things you require will be given to you.

Repent & Change Your Thinking

The Bible includes ample advice and instruction on how to seek God’s Kingdom. Verse after verse details His expectations, with repentance emphasized throughout. Repentance is essentially the act of changing your thinking to reflect what God wants for you, instead of what you want for you.  Man will tell you what to value, strive for and prioritize, but those temporal goals aren’t in line with the spiritual path you should be following. You must repent of past transgressions and turn away from sin to commit to God’s commandments.

Establish a Relationship With God

Seeking the presence of God requires daily dedication. Prayer, Bible study, church and youth activities are all helpful tools to keep you focused on Him. Avoid letting these practices become so routine that you’re not actually putting much thought into them. Establishing a relationship with God requires continual seeking, making the daily choice to live in accordance with His will.

Spread His Message

Christians are called to do good works and love one another.  The primary purpose you were put on earth is to please and glorify Him.  Striving daily to enhance your personal relationship with God through your obedience to His wisely teachings and God’s call in our life to engage in ministry to others is the most important thing you can do.

Focus on Him

A lack of faith or crisis of belief can cause anxiety and fear. Seeking the kingdom of God provides respite from that fear, as you focus solely on building a relationship with Him. If you do this, He will provide.

We can’t wait to Connect with you this Sunday to talk more about seeking the kingdom of God.

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