Seasons of Life: Don’t Let it Slip By

by | May 26, 2017 | Faith

Man is like a mere breath; His days are like a passing shadow. Psalm 144:4

When you’re young, it seems as though life will never end, but the truth is, life is short. This life is a blip in the annals of history, a nanosecond in the timeline of God’s plan. The older you get, the shorter life seems. The seasons of life have a funny way of changing your perspective. Young people, what advice do you think the future you would give yourself today if you could?

Learning from the Seasons of Life

When you’re young you’re anxious for the next thing. You go to college and you’re anxious to graduate and get a job. You get a job and you’re anxious to advance your career. When you get married, you’re anxious to have kids. Once you have kids, you can’t wait to see them grow up. You’re so focused on tomorrow, sometimes you miss out on the little blessings God has for you today.

The truth of the matter is once you get there- once you’ve grown your family and graduated your last kid, once you’ve had a long and profitable career, and once you’ve entered into the last chapter of your life, perspective changes you. You realize you’ve spent all your time chasing the next thing and many other important things have fallen by the wayside.

Things like your little boy pulling at your leg for daddy’s attention. Things like your daughter learning to dance or one of your children getting their best score yet at a competition. Then there are smaller, daily things. Like your kids waking up in the morning with bed head. Or finding good friends and experiencing the agony of their first heartbreak. Or all the things that make them smile or cry. And all the little things about your spouse that you fell in love with, that sometimes you forget.

Live in the Moment

You are trained to plan for tomorrow, work hard to accomplish your goals and dreams and to not waste any time. While these are all vital to a good work ethic, it’s no way to live life. Please understand, it’s not that it’s bad to plan or work hard or to try to not waste time. Not at all. You need to do all of those things.

You need to have a general direction you’re traveling in life, to work hard and do it all as unto the Lord. And you need to make the most of your time. But in the midst of all of that, somehow, you also need to take the time to live in the moment. Sometimes you need to do something unplanned. Sometimes you need to play and laugh and have fun. And sometimes you need to just waste time with the ones you love.

More than the Next Thing

Your kids will be grown one day and they will need you less and less. You and your spouse will grow old and wonder where all the time went. You’ll remember all the things you wanted to do and never did. You’ll realize this thing called life is passing you by and it never slows down, though you will. Take the time to be in the moment now. Know your kids and your spouse. Serve each other. Enjoy each other. Let the world see the way you love each other and the hope you have that governs your life.

There’s so much more to life than money and career and possessions. So much more than accomplishments, success, and the next thing. God is interested in all the little things. Sure, He wants you to be responsible and support your family, but He also wants you to make your spouse smile today. He also wants you to get to know your neighbors, connect with other families in your community, and show them who He is. He wants you to love and know your kids. Slow down, see and enjoy His blessings in your life today.

Life is a Vapor

Young Christians, make the most of your life. Chase your dreams. Work hard to achieve your goals and support your family. Make your time count, because life truly is a vapor. However, in all your planning and working, don’t forget to stop and hug your kids, talk to your neighbors, and enjoy each other and the Lord. Plan for tomorrow, but live in the moment. Otherwise, the seasons of life will wake you up one day when it’s too late.

Join us Sunday mornings as we journey through the seasons of life together. Contact Us for more on life’s seasons or for service times and location.

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