How to Make a Tough Decision

by | May 25, 2018 | Faith

How do you make hard decisions? You might feel unsure or not confident enough to reach a decision, so you just put it off. However, putting off even a small problem often creates bigger issues.  In these instances, it’s best to seek out the source of all wisdom, God. He created you and knows your heart, so who better to rely on when you’re faced with a difficult decision? In James 1:5 we read, If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. Click To Tweet

How to Make a Tough Decision With God’s Help

God is the source of divine wisdom. He views your life from an eternal perspective, seeing the big picture. Allow God to be part of your decision-making process and you’ll find that your path leads you exactly where you need to be. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Define the Dilemma

When your dilemma is unclear, it can be very difficult to settle on a solution. It’s helpful to look at the dilemma from many angles in order to clearly define it. Is it a choice between several options, or a decision about a career change? Who does the decision impact? Are you torn between what you want to do and what you feel like you should do? These are all important questions to ask before you set out to reach a decision.

Take it to God

You make choices every day, starting with whether or not to hit snooze, and ending in whether or not to eat that ice cream. These small choices become so repetitive that they can soon become comfortable habits. When big decisions arise that may have far-reaching consequences, it’s easy to feel paralyzed. Don’t let those feelings build, but instead take your thoughts and fears to God in sincere prayer.

Have Faith

Accepting God’s wisdom is all-encompassing. You must recognize the fact that God knows what’s best for you. There can be no cherry picking or following the part of His guidance that suits your own desire. Once you understand God’s guidance, you must have faith enough to follow it.

Move Forward With Wisdom

Initial guidance is only the first step. Moving forward you should continue to seek comfort and wisdom from God. Regular prayer, scripture study and seeking the advice of church leaders will further instill confidence in the decision you’ve made.

How to Make a Tough Decision

With prayer, research and deliberation, making the decision should be easy. Additional prayers for guidance and continued wisdom can give you the confidence to make the right choice. Don’t procrastinate or drag it out, but take firm action. The sooner you act, the sooner you’ll feel as though a burden’s been lifted and you can breathe a little easier.

Contact Us for more information about making hard decisions armed with God’s divine wisdom.

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