How to Choose the Best Christian Mentoring for Your Faith Journey

by | Feb 1, 2025 | Faith

Growing in Faith:

Mentorship at Oak Ridge Baptist Church Faith isn’t always straightforward. Sometimes you feel confident in your walk with God, and other times, you’re standing at a crossroads, unsure of what’s next. That’s where mentorship at Oak Ridge Baptist Church comes in. It’s designed for those who want to grow deeper in their relationship with Christ—helping you understand God’s Word and, more importantly, live it out every day.

What Makes ORBC’s Mentorship Program Different?

This isn’t just an informal setup where you pick someone to give you advice.

At ORBC, our mentors go through training to make sure they’re equipped for the role. The program is structured, not random, and it’s meant for people who are already active in church life and serious about their spiritual growth. It’s a 36-week journey—one that challenges you to dive into scripture, reflect on how it applies to your life, and take real steps toward living out your faith. It’s not always easy, but real growth rarely is.

Marriage Mentorship:

Growing in Faith Together For couples, strengthening your faith together can make all the difference in your marriage. ORBC’s marriage mentoring pairs couples with experienced mentors who can help them work through everyday challenges with biblical wisdom. This program is open to church members, but if a couple needs more support, we also offer trusted referrals to outside resources. How to Get Started

  1. Decide If This Is the Right Time Spiritual growth takes commitment. Are you ready to take this step?
  2. Pray for Guidance Ask God to prepare your heart and confirm if this is the right path for you.
  3. Engage in Church Life Mentorship flows naturally out of being part of the church community. Attend services, participate in groups, and build relationships within ORBC.
  4. Start the Program When you’re ready, we’ll match you with a mentor. Over the course of 36 weeks, your mentor will challenge you, encourage you, and walk alongside you as you grow in your faith.

Read more:10 Pieces of Christian Marriage Advice

Why ORBC? At Oak Ridge Baptist Church, we believe faith grows best in community. Our mentorship program is designed to provide real, intentional growth with the support of trained mentors who are deeply rooted in their faith. No one walks this journey alone. If you’re ready to take the next step, we’re here to walk it with you.

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