5 Tips For Building a Spiritual Foundation For Your Marriage

by | Jul 20, 2018 | Faith

More than half of American marriages end in divorce. Most people have 1 of 2 reactions when reading that sad statistic. The first response is a sense of dread or fear, and the second is the belief that your marriage will be different. Perfect, even. There's no such thing as a perfect marriage, but when your union centers around God, it will be strong. Share on X

A Spiritual Foundation for a Lasting Union

Matthew 7:26-27 reads, “But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.” A marriage without God could be equated to the foolish man who built his house upon the sand. As soon as there’s turmoil or adversity, it crumbles. 

1) Surround Yourself With Godly People

You are the company you keep, which means that even with the best of intentions, keeping bad company comes at a cost. Foster relationships with friends and family who also trust God, and support each other’s marriages. Your church family would be a wise place to start.

2) Communicate With Respect

You should talk with your spouse often and with love. This can prove difficult in those moments when you find yourself annoyed or angry at them, but it’s those moments when it’s most important.

3) Pray Together

Make a habit of praying with your partner for wisdom, guidance, and strength in your marriage – and to build a healthy personal relationship with God.

4) Encourage One Another

A marriage isn’t the place for petty competition, insecurities or fear. You should lift your spouse up, encourage them to follow their dreams and be their best self. You should be your spouse’s biggest cheerleader.

5) Remember Your Vows

There will be times when the romance has faded, and the excitement you had at the beginning of your relationship is gone. This can be a very vulnerable time for couples, but it’s important to fall back on your vows. You didn’t promise for better or worse – unless things get boring. You promised a lifetime.

A Spiritual Union

Marriage is is a deeply spiritual union. It only works when two people are connected individually to God, heeding His wisdom, and making prayer and church a priority.

Connect With Us to learn more about building your marriage on solid ground.

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