5 Great Ways to Slow Down This Father’s Day

by | Jun 15, 2017 | Faith

Life flies by so fast you don’t even notice it until it’s already happened. Fathers, you have so much on your plate all the time, it’s hard to slow down. There are responsibilities, work goals and pressures, house maintenance, family, and more. There are never ever enough hours in the day to get it all done. Sometimes it feels like you’re caught in the rapids and struggling to get out. Take this Father’s Day to slow down, refocus, and recharge.

Father’s Day Resolutions

God chose you as the father of your kids. He specifically designed you for them and them for you. You hold a place in their hearts no one can ever take away. You also have a responsibility no one else can ever fill. Take some time to slow life down and make sure your priorities are in order this Father’s Day. Spend some time in prayer and meditation on God as your Father. Use the following tips to get started:

1) Less is more

In family life, less often is more. Fewer activities is more time to connect with each other. Less focus on career is more focus on family. Less busyness is more time for relationships. Think of ways to simplify and maximize your family life. Sometimes it’s as simple as learning to say “no.”

2) Be present

Take a lesson from your kids and learn how to live in the moment again. When you’re with family, turn everything else off. Train your thoughts to focus on the present, not on a to-do list or something that happened yesterday or something you’re afraid will happen tomorrow. Gently bring your thoughts back to right now, what you’re doing, and more importantly, who you’re with. You’ll never have this moment again. Make the most of it.

3) Disconnect…from tech

Technology drives the world. We are all always constantly connected to some device with access to the internet. Sometimes, you just need to disconnect. Turn your phone off, put all your tablets and other devices away and just be human for a while. Enjoy each other. Maybe make it a rule to have no technology at the dinner table. Maybe pick a certain day each month to turn off all tech for an entire day. Focus on each other.

4) Connect to each other

Discover what you like to do as a family. Play games, spend time outdoors, go see a play or a movie. Look for local events and activities you can try as a family. Try one of these room escape events where you as a family are trapped in an actual room with clues on how to get out. Figure it out together. Go camping, bike riding, or discover new hobbies together. Enjoy time together and do it regularly. Also, consider finding other families you can spend time with. God is all about connecting families for His glory.

5) Spend time, not money

When your kids are adults, they’ll likely not remember a dime you spent on them. They’ll know you spent it, but they will not look back with fondness on all the dollars and cents. They will remember all the minutes, seconds, and hours you gave them, however. They’ll remember all the times you pushed everything else aside and sat with them to talk. They’ll remember family activities and traditions you enjoyed together. Your kids will remember all the times you made them laugh or smile. And they’ll look back with love, joy, and satisfaction on all the time they had with you. Invest in your family, dear fathers, your time, your energy, and yourself.

What Matters Most

At the end of the day, your kids need you. Not your money or your things or even your advice, just you. Don’t let the busyness of life and career and money and things distract you from what’s most important. They want to know you and they want you to know them. And so, Happy Father’s Day! Slow down and give your family the best of you.

Join us Sunday mornings as we pursue God and each other along the journey of life. Contact Us for service times and location or for more ideas on how to slow life down.

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