As we head into another year it’s a good time to look inward and take a spiritual inventory of your life Where did you thrive in 2017? Where did you fail or fall short? Rather than make superficial resolutions that are quickly cast aside, look to the cross of Christ and make lasting, spiritual goals that will change your heart and bring you closer to God.
Your Spiritual Goals
As your connection with Christ is strengthened, your faith will grow, and you’ll find the quiet self-assurance and confidence that only comes from His love. You may be wondering, however, how you go about strengthening that connection. Letting your uncertainty ride is sure to result in a stagnant spiritual walk with little or no direction and growth. If you’re standing still, God has nothing to guide. Take the first step toward a stronger faith with the following 3 goals:
1. Pray Daily.
No relationship can thrive without constant communication, and it’s no different when it comes to God. Pray continuously as Scripture admonishes. Talking to God every day will help you establish a habit of communication, both talking and listening, so your relationship with God can thrive. Do not overthink your communication, however, but speak from the heart and He will hear you. He can handle you right where you are, and He will meet you there. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.
2. Suit Up in the Armor of God.
You are never alone in this world when you walk with the armor of God upon you. Your faith acts as a shield against the constant attacks of the adversary. Temptation is more easily avoided with the principles of the gospel guiding you. Study the Armor of God and understand the function and importance of each component. Don’t start your day without it!
3. Forgive Yourself.
Mistakes are inevitable. It’s easy to slip into feelings of inadequacy and unworthiness, but those emotions are not from God, who readily forgives. Often forgiving oneself is more difficult than seeking forgiveness from God. Ask for forgiveness, forgive yourself and use the experience to better yourself. Let God work His will into your heart and prepare you for all He has for you.
Walk in Faith
You will never regret the time or energy you spend building a better relationship with God. Your faith will increase and as it does, you will flourish. When you make decisions rooted in faith you will experience God Himself in your life. Focus on God this year and watch how your life will change!
To learn more about growing in Christ or how to get connected at ORBC, Contact Us.