Bible Study Tips: Knowing Him

by | Jan 18, 2017 | Devotionals

God. Elohim. Yahweh. The only Being who has ever existed Who was never created-  Eternal, Preeminent, Transcendent. The Creator.  Almighty, All-knowing, All-present. He holds everything together and in Him everything finds meaning, purpose, and life. He is altogether separate, superior,  and sovereign. The Ancient of Days. The Holy One.  If He sounds awesome and wondrous and beyond anything and everything you know, He is. If He sounds high and distant and a little unknowable, well, He would be. He would be had He not reached down to us. He would be had He not sent His Son, His Spirit, and given us His Word. Have you ever read the Bible simply to know God better? Consider the following tips on studying His Word.

5 Bible Study Tips to Know Him Better

Knowing Him. It is our purpose- to know Him and enjoy Him forever. He reconciled us to Himself through His Son and He lives in us through His Spirit. He also invites us to a deeper relationship through His Word. Are you ready for a deeper fellowship with the Living God? Get started with these tips:

  1. Know why you read and study the Bible. Maybe at times it feels like a task or a duty you must complete to check off your list. Maybe it feels like a burden or something too big to take on. Perhaps you find yourself reading to know more about God, to gain intellectual knowledge, rather than to know Him better. Spend some quiet time with just you and God, and ask Him to show you your motivation. Knowing about God is not a bad thing, but knowing Him and know Him more is better.
  2. Make a plan for studying His Word. You schedule everything in life including time with friends and family. Schedule your time with the Lord. Be consistent and give this Relationship top priority. Also consider following a reading plan. There are many different types of reading plans and many you can access free through Bible apps. Some common plans include chronological, by topic, and reading the Bible straight through. Be intentional about knowing Him more. Your time could not be better spent.
  3. Read with others and connect with church family. We were not designed to live this life alone nor to follow Christ alone. We are His body and we need each other. Read with your friends, join a small group, or find a Bible study. The Holy Spirit is in us all and He will use others to bring us closer to God. When we gather together around His Word and seek His presence, He can speak to us through His Word and each other.
  4. Make it interactive by not just reading, but living in His Word. You can understand intellectually many things, but the real power is in experiencing God through His Word in your life. Examine your life and look for Him in everything you experience. When you read, ask questions. Try keeping a journal of questions you have as you read. Then talk to a pastor and ask the questions you have. Listen to sermons and search His Word to confirm the truth of Scripture. Sometimes, consider listening to an audio Bible. Did you know that’s how the early church experienced His Word? Give it a try. Above all things, look for Him and you will find Him. It’s in His Word.
  5. Study, reflect, and pray as you read His Word. As you study the Bible, take notes, circle words and passages, and highlight significant verses. Pay attention to context, purpose, and genre. Practice making observations about the text. Ask questions and write them down. Don’t just study, though. Reflect and meditate on His Word. Meditate on verses that stand out to you. Pray to God according to His Word. Seek His presence as you read. Let it be worship.

To Know God and Enjoy Him Forever

Reading His Word is essential to knowing Him better, and knowing Him better is abundant life. Get started with these Bible study tips and take the advice of the Psalmist:

O taste and see that the Lord is good;

How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!

Psalm 34:8 (NASB)

If you do not have a church family, come visit Oak Ridge Baptist Church and get connected to the body. We can’t wait to meet you!  For more information on how to study the Bible or to get connected, Contact Us.

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