What is the Holy Spirit?

by | Jul 8, 2022 | Christian Living

If you are new to the Christian faith, you may be wondering, “What is the Holy Spirit?” While the Spirit is an important part of Christianity, it is something we don’t talk about a lot. Let’s dive into this member of the Holy Trinity. 

The Holy Spirit is the third member of the Trinity. It is the servant mentioned in John 14:26 by Jesus, where He says that the Holy Spirit will teach his disciples and remind them of what Jesus already taught. One of the best ways for us to grow as Christians is to listen to the Spirit, and implement what it teaches us. 

What is the Holy Spirit, and where does He fit into our lives? Let’s briefly talk about the role of the Spirit and how to connect with Him. Click To Tweet

A Member of the Trinity

The Trinity is made up of the Father, the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit (otherwise known as the Holy Ghost). Each part of this Trinity makes up God. Each of these members of the Trinity is just as important as the other one. While the Father created the world, Jesus saved it, and the Spirit teaches us about what Jesus did. All parts of that whole are just as important. 

Some people may consider the Trinity as three separate gods, but that simply isn’t true. They are three parts of a whole, singular God.

The Holy Spirit’s Role

So now that we have established who this member of the Trinity is, let’s talk about The Spirit’s role in our lives as Christians. Jesus says that The Holy Spirit’s main role is to teach us His teachings and to remind us of the teachings we forget (John 14:26). The Spirit is meant to be with us throughout our walk with Christ. We are called to be filled with the Holy Spirit constantly because that will allow us to grow spiritually. 

Probably one of the most important roles of the Holy Spirit is the way He transforms our spirit when we accept Him into our hearts. He transforms our soul from “dead in our transgressions,” (Ephesians 2) to, “having a Spirit of wisdom and revelation so that we may know Him better (Ephesians 1:17).” Inviting the Holy Spirit into your heart is essential to the Christian walk.

Connect With the Holy Spirit

The best way to grow in that relationship with Christ is to listen to the Spirit. But how do you do that? Some ways can be through studying the Bible, serving others the way Jesus taught, and spending time praying. You also should be spending time with other Christians as that will help you both grow. 

The biggest piece of advice we can give you is to reach out if you have questions. ORBC has many church members who are willing and able to answer these questions more in-depth. We encourage our members and guests to ask questions because that is one of the best ways to grow.

ORBC Can Help

The third member of the Trinity is one of the essential parts of your Christian walk. The Spirit’s role is to teach Christians and help guide them in their walk with Christ. Without the Spirit, our lives would look very different. 

Contact us for more information on the Holy Spirit!

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