The Process of Discipleship

by | Mar 18, 2022 | Christian Living

When Jesus left this Earth, He gave a command that we now call “The Great Commission” to go and make more disciples. In the last blog, we went over what discipleship is, but what is the process of discipleship? How do we disciple others and ourselves so we can grow in our relationship with Christ? 

What is the process of discipleship? 

Put simply, discipleship is loving others, showing them Jesus, teaching others what Jesus taught, and growing with others. The following list is four main ways we can actively disciple others in a way that benefits both our brothers and sisters in Christ as well as ourselves. 

What is the process of discipleship? How do we fulfill the Great Commission in the best way? Learn the answer to those questions in the following blog post. Share on X
  1. Love Others
  2. Reflect Jesus to Others
  3. Teach Others Jesus’s Teachings
  4. Grow and Learn With Others

1) Love Others

The biggest way we can disciple others is to love others just as Jesus commanded. In John 13:34-35 Jesus says, “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” 

2) Reflect Jesus to Others

This is another way to show love to those around you. Treat people around you the same way Jesus treated others. Jesus was extremely gracious towards those society deemed did not deserve any grace, and harsh against those who did not treat others with respect and kindness. We are called to follow in Jesus Christ’s example as we live our lives. 

3) Teach Others Jesus’s Teaching

We are also called to teach others what Jesus taught. Some of the best ways to do that are to participate in Bible studies and small groups. Studying the Bible with others helps you all grow in Christ as the body of Christ. It also helps those around you grow as disciples as well. Teaching others what you have learned will also strengthen your relationship with Christ. 

4) Grow and Learn With Others

Above all, be open to growing and learning in your own discipleship journey. The best disciple-makers are open to learning themselves through their disciple relationships. Being open to spiritual growth is one of the best ways we can disciple others. If we lead by example, it lets Jesus’ teachings shine through. 

Bonus: Helping Versus Judging 

When it comes to helping others grow and mature as Christians, we want to do the best we can to help those around us. We can fall into the trap of judging others for their shortcomings while excusing our own. 

Jesus warned against this in the Sermon of the Mount in Matthew 7:1-6. Specifically, Jesus encourages us to focus on what we are doing before we judge our brothers and sisters for their problems. He says to “first take the log out of your own eye before worrying about the speck in your brother’s eye.” 

Love Christ and Love Others

In summary, we disciple others by following Jesus’ biggest commandment: love God and love others. Show others the love that God showed us, and you will disciple the way Jesus disciples. 

Contact us for more information about discipleship and how to get involved in our church!

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