How God Speaks to Us Now

by | Apr 10, 2020 | Christian Living, Prayer

A common Christian buzzword is “hearing from God” or “listening for the still, small voice.” Part of the common nature of this buzzword could be due to misunderstanding the context of certain Bible verses. However, whether the idea of a still, small voice is biblically supported or not, few Christians will argue that God has stopped speaking to us. The question is, how does He do it?

God reaches out to us in different ways, likely dependent on the way we are most likely to listen and believe what He is saying. But what if you’re struggling to know what God has to say to you? Where can you look?

How does God speak to us today? Not always through the methods you’d expect. Find out more here. #ORBC #biblestudy Share on X

Through the Bible

The most common way people will say God speaks to them is through Bible reading. This doesn’t involve simply opening to a random verse and deciding that’s God’s message to you, a practice known as bibliomancy. Instead, one simply recognizes the Bible as God’s ultimate message to us and reads it with an open mind, ready to learn. Sometimes you may find a verse that feels especially applicable to your particular situation, and other times you may just need a refresher on what God actually says. Either way, reading the Bible is an excellent way to hear what God has to say to you.

Through Circumstances

The often-quoted verse about God opening doors that no one can shut and vice versa was written to an ancient church, not necessarily to all Christians everywhere. However, it’s difficult to deny that God uses circumstances to show us His will. For instance, imagine you’ve received job offers from five separate places and aren’t sure where to go next. You pray for wisdom for your upcoming choice. Suddenly you hear back from four of those companies apologizing and rescinding their offers. That seems like a pretty clear message!

On the other hand, remember that while God is ultimately in control, He also permits free will. A crazy coincidence could very well be God’s guidance, but assuming that every change in circumstance is a message from God ignores the fact that people make choices too. Take both your own free will, the free will of others, and the divine knowledge of God into account as you analyze your surroundings.

Through Unexpected Sources

Finally, God is not limited to using certain avenues to speak to us or send a subtle message. A particularly profound movie quote could provide an unexpected reminder of God’s presence. A friend who comes to visit “just because” could give you a much-needed boost and remind you of God’s love. God can even use a video game to get your attention! God can use any method He chooses to reach out to you. It’s easy to fall into the trap of believing that God can only use “holy” methods like Bible reading or a Sunday sermon, but a limitless God can use any avenue He chooses.

Grow Deeper: Test every message to see if it’s truly from God, but don’t automatically disregard it simply because of how you received it.

How is God Speaking to You?

Christian faith is not a one-size-fits-all approach by any means. While one person may claim to hear from God during daily Bible readings, you may only feel like He’s talking to you when you’re occupied with other things. This in no way makes your relationship with God inferior–it just means you have a different communication style! How does God speak to you?

Connect with us to learn more about how God speaks to us and how you can hear from Him.

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