5 Different Types of Worship

by | Sep 17, 2021 | Christian Living

Worship is a large part of our lives as Christians, but what are the different ways we can worship the Father? There are many different types from private to corporate worship, and each one is as meaningful as the others. 

There are many different types of worship. What are some of them?

Praise and worship are essential parts of the Christian life, and there are many different forms of them. The following are only some of the different types of worship. 

What are some different types of worship from the Word of God that Christians use? There are a variety of different acts of worship. #ORBC #worship #christian Share on X
  1. Prayer
  2. Meditation
  3. Liturgical Worship
  4. Non-liturgical Worship 
  5. Serving Others

1) Prayer

Probably the most common type of worship, prayer is defined as a solemn request for help or expression of thanks addressed to God. Jesus prayed often and even instructed us on how to pray in Matthew 6:9-13. We are to pray often as it is one of the ways we can develop our relationship with Jesus Christ. 

2) Meditation

Another form of worship is meditation. Contrary to popular belief, there are many examples of meditation in the Bible. Issac meditates in Genesis 24:63, Joshua 1:8 says to meditate on the Book of the Law day and night, and Psalm 19:14 says “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.”

You can either meditate on a specific scripture or topic, or you can focus on listening to God at that moment. Listening to God is more often called “sitting in the stillness.” 

3) Liturgical Worship

Liturgical worship, or ritual-based worship, is a service that follows a traditional pattern that has been established over a long time. Many more traditional churches like Catholic and Lutheran churches follow liturgical worship. 

There is a lot of biblical precedence in the Old Testament for liturgical worship. The book of Leviticus is full of ceremonies the Jewish people were meant to follow as a form of worship. 

4) Non-liturgical Worship

Non-liturgical worship simply refers to worship that does not have the structure or routine of liturgical worship. Common denominations that practice non-liturgical worship are Quakers, Baptists, and Evangelical denominations. This can be anything from singing to public prayer.

5) Serving Others

This is arguably the most important form of true worship. The biggest commandment we are called to follow is to love God, and love others. One of the easiest ways for us to love others is to serve them with loving acts. 

In addition to being a form of worship, this is can help us connect with the people around us. Jesus also demonstrated this form of love many times throughout the gospel. 

Worship God With ORBC

Worship is an essential part of our walk with Christ. There are many ways for us to worship, and some people are more drawn to one type over another. The important part is that we do worship the Lord. 

Contact us for more information on worship! 

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